Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I Bit My Gums And It Hurts And Is Red

Dust in the wind

is among us.

Rarely do we see but often they're floating around. Some changes their entire life and yet, for others their existence goes unnoticed.
Those who noticed their presence behave a variety of ways. Most were given to mourn, others put their hands to the face and many are unaware of the soul through the mouth.

To try to alleviate this conviction, we met with the concerned experts. They prepare us concoctions that get us forget for a moment this curse, but its effects do not stop being a passing illusion.

So we live with allergies. Doomed to wander forever (well, actually it usually lasts one and a half or two months but it is so deep) around the world sniffing and sneezing due to a bit of "Dust in the Wind" and crying to Hades to take Persephone by the hair and take her back to her p. .. holy house.


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