Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Energizer 15 Minute Charger Uk

redcircula In an email with pictures and data about a company called Bio-Genica that "manufactures" the Gen-Pets, which are supposed to be pets or animals created in laboratories.

According to the details offered by page official, these pets come in a package similar to the toys, in a state of hibernation and fed through a tube-like umbilical cord, which supplies the nutrients needed while waiting to be taken out of the box by their acquirers. They are created by bioengineering and according to a note also contains DNA of various animals, human DNA.

Although the site can be deceiving (as it did me) as this detail set is not more than a "Hoax" or deception. In fact the Gen-pets are part of an art project created by Canadian artist Adam Bradejs , who not only produced sculptures the Genpets, but I design a website and a catalog to support it.

Many people were shocked by the images of these "animals" (including me) but as the artist tells the real impact comes alive in the live setup, since thanks to the installation of microchips seem Genpets living inside the package, reproduce the effect of slow breathing and some movements. The artist in place in some stores that people in protest broke the windows to see that were on display the infamous Genpets.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Playing Pokemon On Computer

E s time for the Dominicans and all awake from slumber conformist society that we have been suffering for long. This disease involves a very broad covering all products and services they receive daily.

For perhaps a year, most gas stations have installed an air dispenser for tires which requires the deposit of a coin of five dollars to give the service. Yesterday I went to the gas station of which I have been a customer for many years when refueling stations to remove me and asked if there was air in the dispenser, and they said no, I asked then I return the key of the vehicle, saying he preferred to go to a station if it had available air to leave and visit several stations with the same problem at the end I found another gas station (and perhaps only in my city) where the air service was not only available, but is always free, so why not pay for my fuel at a station where I provide better service? From now on it is there where the air is always available free, which consumed my money and this is something that societies must learn to stop being complacent, require demonstrating we're not settle for something mediocre, to register our disagreement and learn to choose.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Portable Air Tank For Finish Nailer

P ilobolus start in 1971 as an independent dance company, and quickly gained worldwide fame for his imaginative and artistic explorations athletic. Almost 40 years later, has evolved into one of the pioneering American cultural institutions in the 21 st century.

One of the core of this institution is the Pilobolus Dance Theatre, acclaimed worldwide for their original dance form, they make it behind a fabric with a light background and their shadows is like form choreography, in a wonderfully creative. I would define as a shadow play, but full body.

Arakemanakuty Thanks to my friend (Johanna) for sending me this wonderful video to my mail, I was surprised at the creative and artistic ability of this group.