Friday, June 12, 2009

Optimist Dinghy For Sale Ohio

Greetings ... a long time ago not posted anything here, I was offline for a while, but continued force in the blog Fotoquisqueya, life is a bit more complicated and therefore the time too, so I had to make a decision about my participation in the blogosphere and even though I took a couple of months I came to a solution. I deleted the blog of Cinearte and desserts including ads on the films to be presented in the film forum, although this is still going well and will continue doing.

May Last Fried Green completed its second year on the network. Although I've also considered to terminate this blog I will give you time to see if I can keep updating it.

So for the moment we are in test transmission.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Play Xbox In Las Vegas

Pedagooogía 3000

Naomi Paymal in Santiago, Chile pedagogy Author of 3000, a guide for teachers and parents.
Today's child has changed. His way of learning has changed. Our living being as parents and as people has changed. What are the tools we need to be part of this change? Holistic education is possible, an education based on a new awareness, both for children and humanity in general

Pedagooogia 3000 ® breaks new ground is an invitation to accept this world changing, dynamic, UNPUBLISHED

INTENSIVE SEMINAR 2, 3 and 4 October 2009 training certificate is delivered General registration until August $ 80,000 CLP. $ 95,000 In September CLP. Registration students to August $ 50,000 CLP. In September $ 65.000CLP.


099155372 Dharani.


surprising Changes today's children. Why are they so different? Educational Solutions
the Third Millennium. Presentation of his book Pedagooogía 3000 OPEN TO ALL PUBLIC

Naomi Paymal is anthropologist, author and creator of Pedagooogía 3000 TM. Born in France, and has worked over 25 years in various Latin American countries in the field of applied anthropology and alternative education. He currently resides in Bolivia. Together with a multidisciplinary team began researching the topic of children and young people called the Third Millennium since 2001. He is currently Director of Research Center Pedagooogía 3000 La Paz, Bolivia. He held more than 520 conferences and workshops in Argentina, Colombia, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Spain, Mexico, Peru, Venezuela and Uruguay. Organization Rainbow House