Thursday, January 22, 2009

What Should I Wear To Restaurant Birthday Dinner

L readable, which is one of the practices that culture enriches the human being is in many people in our society something that is limited to notes and celebrity horoscope , most people do not read, and thus their cognitive level is very poor or poor, and although something I've always known, I've noticed more now and I decided last year from reading during the journey by public transport from my village to the place of my work, I've noticed some people are surprised to see someone read, others have dared to wonder at its strangeness What I read? and listening to my answer and not feel out of place I have been told they read or have read this or that (mostly books by those who put compulsory reading in schools or university or a title Cohelo Paulo, who appears to be the champion of popular reading), I wonder, what were the causes for the existence of this apathy to reading in our society? Why not read the Dominicans? I think that because of the lousy educational system of our island, young people and children are not encouraged in interesting reading, but they see the readings assigned in the field of literature as boring and tedious imposition and is seeking a summary adjudication in " The corner of the vague "I think that teachers do not motivate it to students and the reading should be something personal choice after a range of recommendations and no one read by all in the course or this combined with the lack education at home have made those who do may have some interest in reading did not practice because they have not found the literary genre that kind of reading captivate them, all this is added the irrefutable fact that modern society has become Homo-Videns, this thesis is that man has lost interest in reading through the television and video games (and also internet junk [understood Messenger, Hi5, MySpace, Facebook and all that nonsense]) and that his brain has adapted to capture images and a festival of colors, shapes and show preset sounds like these and feel bored by having to read a book, a year in which the brain must be creating images while reading.

Another point that affects, and this also to those who do make use of reading is the fact that prices in the books, unfortunately, economic issues are scarce and it is almost a luxury to buy books and even more if they are specialized as in the case of some books which I use as design , arts and cinema.

Maybe you can change that attitude in those around you recommending a reading, but hard, with emotion, I have done and it has worked with some, so I propose a challenge Can you get someone to read a book?

for me this year I read several books I have at home, to purchase the last year and I have not yet begun, including History of Art EH Gombrich, Black Cinema (Film Noir) from publisher Taschen, Art Film McGraw-Hill, Biographies of Clint Eastwood, Michelangelo, Vincent van Gogh, and a book Egyptian archeology and art, making a balance of literature books.

So far this year I've read Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess (excellent novel), I concluded Complete Filmography Stanley Kubrick (along with his films, of course) and am currently finishing Robinson Crusoe Daniel Defoe and Book of Imaginary Beings by Jorge Luis Borges who is my favorite writer and this is his seventh book I read, thanks to my princess (my girlfriend) who gave it to me this Christmas.

What book would you recommend to someone and why?

PS: 1/23/1909 I just finished reading Robinson Crusoe ...

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Colgate-soothe-n-seal Liquid Protectant

E s great pleasure for me to write this, the first publication of Fried Green for 2009, and what better way to start that by thanking God for a year that starts and thank all the readers of cyberspace that support their views the continuation of this humble blog.

first thing I want to share with you is that the film now moves Cinearte forum schedule and local levels, this will prove a greater uptake of public and moving to a place that is situated in the central area of \u200b\u200bthe city and this would facilitate things for people do not have their own transport. This new store is located on the street corner near July 26. Specifically Córdoba José Maria Contín Center, cultural center built to house the city's cultural activities, which is being administered by the Catholic Church and City Hall.

The new date will be the same with film forum that began last year, Friday at 8:00 pm and to start this new season and new year cycle would be better than a picture of the poet Stanley Kubrick, with three of his great movies, difficult choice because all are masterpieces.

I hope one day my fellow bloggers in this region are motivated to visit the activity, which has been and will continue total mind free and open to everyone.

Thank you all for your support!